
Христос Воскресе

Easter Egg
Big, red and shine
Big for planet
Red for power
Shine for life.
Today we are
Celebrating Easter
Together Online!
With God
To be healthy,
Strong and happy
God loves us!
God is love!
God sees us!
Hristos Voskrese!

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!
Bird tell me – where are the people?
Bird tell me – where are the cars?
Bird tell me – where are the fishes?
Do you know?
Today is the bid day!
Today is a bid Holiday!
Today is EASTER!
I feel like I’m alone,
Only me and spiders!
 only water and air!
I feel like I’m in the “desert”!
Yes! … The Melbourne Desert!

Bulgarian Banitsa with Feta Cheese

  • 6 eggs
  • Butter
  • Filo pastry
  • 500 gr feta cheese

  1. Mix the eggs with the cheese in a bowl
  2. Spread the filo pastry
  3. Add 2 – 3 Spoonfuls of the egg and feta mix and a couple of bits of the butter.
  4. Roll the pastry around the mix and arrange it in an oiled baking tray
  5. Preheat the oven on medium and bake for around 30 – 40 minutes
  6. Serve with yogurt

Bon appetite!

Amulet for Health

Amulet for Health


  1. small piece of camphor
  2. small piece of garlic
  3. clove
  4. small cloth bag
  5. red thread

  • needle

How to make it:

Put the camphor, garlic and clove in the small bag and sew the opening with the red string of suitable length. Wear on your neck to ward against infections and viruses.

Against all harmful viruses even the Coronavirus

Hygiene is the only way (apart from the drastic limitation of human contact) to lower the risk of you catching the virus

  1. Wash your hands often with soap, thoroughly and for longer than usual
  2. Take off your shoes at the entrance and leave them there
  3. Disinfect your door handles, light switches and other areas where most people will touch with bleach or if you prefer alcohol
  4. Same for the bathroom and toilet
  5. Eat garlic!
  6. While you are out of the house use disposable wipes or hand sanitizer

If your local store is out of hand sanitizer – here’s how to make your own:
  1. 2-3 teacups of Isopropyl  (rubbing) alcohol with the highest concentration you can find
  2. 1 teacup of Aloe Vera gel
  3. 5-10 drops of your favorite essential oil
  4. Mix the alcohol with the gel in a bowl using a spoon.
  5. Add the essential oil and mix further to counter the smell of the alcohol.
  6. Pour in a convenient container.

If mixed properly – can be used within a couple of weeks